Comprehensive Diagnostics
When your pet is sick, the last thing you want to hear from a veterinarian is that you’ll have the test results back from the lab in two to three days or maybe next week. At Tupelo Small Animal Hospital, we make sure that our clients get their results quickly for what’s ailing their loving pet.

Because you want a prompt diagnosis for your sick pet, our facility is equipped with an in-house lab that gives us immediate blood results. Rather than having to wait for an outside lab to perform the tests and generate the report, our veterinarians can have lab results available to you within a matter of minutes.
The newest addition to our laboratory is a specialized urine analyzer. This provided high resolution microscopic images of urine in less than 3 minutes!
Tupelo Small Animal Hospital maintains a complete in-house laboratory to help diagnose your pet’s medical problems. The lab equipment enables our staff to conduct complete blood counts, which indicate numbers of red and white blood cells and allow us to monitor for anemia or infection. Our blood chemistry machine measures enzymes and can be used to evaluate organ function, including kidney and liver function and electrolyte values. Our state-of-the-art equipment provides information that helps aid our staff in to diagnose the problem and design and appropriate treatment plan and medication.